“Spiritual direction is a conversation in which the director helps the person to notice the action of God in their ordinary experiences of life: to stop, look and listen to the movement of God in their heart and in their lived experience,” it says. The new website describes Spiritual direction as “the conversation one believer has with another about their life in the light of their faith”. “We’ll also progressively introduce our members with a ‘Profile of a Member’ feature also linked from the home page.” “For directors, there’ll be a short history of CSD everything a director needs to know in order to become a member the latest and past newsletters and other resources and upcoming professional development events. “Firstly, ‘What is Spiritual Direction?’ which describes the practice then wondering ‘What’s it been like for others?’ which includes testimonials from those who have received spiritual direction and then ‘How to find a Director?’ This feature will be a searchable list of our participating members by state and suburb. “In promoting the practice of spiritual direction to the general public, the first three features/links on the home page move the visitor through a process of asking questions,” the CSD newsletter for March says.